Thursday, November 5, 2009

Peace b2 Seniors

Peace b2 Seniors, originally uploaded by Randy's Dailies.

Taking a break from cranking away on high school senior photos. Btw, if you're in Southern Minnesota, it's not to late to book me. I might be amongst the best around (at least I wonder if I am from what I'm seeing), but while I'm busy I still have some openings...chalk it up to the bad ecomony.

As an example, here's samples from a recent photo shoot:

Isn't it nice to all the pictures from a shoot. These are proofs, so this is what the camera sees during the course of my shoot, not just one sample I sent out to a graphic artist to be fixed up.

Plus...get this...the forcast is for sun and crazy unseasonal global warming style temps for at least the next 7 days.

Peace b/w u.